
Welcome To

Chabad Early 

Learning Center



Welcome to the Chabad Early Learning Center, where we are committed to providing each child with a self-directed learning environment that fosters independence, responsibility, respect for others and a love of learning!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 973-983-8811.

Mrs. Flory Heller
Director, Chabad Early Learning Center


Chabad Early Learning Center provides an inviting environment rich with purposeful activities, Children are given the tools to work independently in order to achieve mastery in meaningful tasks. Our mission is to provide a program which considers the emotional, intellectual, physical and social development of the total child by addressing the uniqueness of each in nurturing, emotionally secure and academically excellent environment. With our dual curriculum, we provide an environment where each child is seen as an individual , and thus, given the respect and attention needed to develop and grow. Underpinning this, at the heart of our program, is our desire to nurture in our children a concern, kindness and sensitivity for their world and fellow human being.

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Small Wonders (birth - 18 months)
Our goal is to help the child grow in independence by gaining mastery over their bodies and their environment. Maria Montessori observation of the “absorbent mind,” shows that if you set up the right environment children will absorb knowledge without formal teaching. Children in our Small Wonders are guided to absorb everything in their environment by experiencing and being involved with it.
Torah Tots (18 months - 36 months)

Children develop in spoken language, movement, self confidence and independence by interacting with their environment. Hands on activities will encourage the learners in cognitive areas such as phonics, math and science. With a blend of sensorial and motor exploration, group and individual activities, your child will experience the joy of belonging to a larger community.

Primary (3-6 years old)

Within a child centered environment, and respecting a child’s natural physiological, physical and social development our dual curriculum blends Judaic Studies with math, reading,science,language,geography,dramatic play, sensorial exploration, art and music. Our experience staff aim to provide the structure, approach and tools to encourage independence learning, thinking and tremendous cognitive growth. Our children can work independently and our teachers are the observers of the children.

Through observing each child, teachers become aware of the child’s skills and can guide them to achieve fluency and proficiency. A constructivist or ‘discovery’ model is used in our classrooms and within a natural and pleasing environment. Beauty, harmony and cleanliness in classrooms are designed to foster independence, freedom within limits and a sense of order. The children learn to respect their environment, themselves and their global community.

Enrichment 3's

The classroom offers social learning, playing together to develop healthy development and the foundation for later academic learning. The activities constantly change according to the themes of the month. New activities and projects are introduced to meet a merging interest and individual learning goals. This offers opportunities for intellectual and social development which is key to a successful transition to our 4’s program.

Our program includes working on fine motor skills through art, music and movement, nature and science, cooking and color & shape recognition.

Enrichment 4's

We offer an enriched, well-rounded education, including a combination of secular and Judaic academics.

Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) is utilized to build writing and language arts strategies. Teaching letters in a developmental order, helps children master skills. We teach capitals first, and then lowercase letters. All letters are taught in small groups of similar formation. Children master the easier letter groups, and then move to the more complex letters groups.

The Handwriting Without Tears® program teaches a simple, clean, vertical style of printing that is easiest for children. HWT printing style helps children succeed in handwriting. The continuous stroke print looks like the letters and words children read every day.


Our reading program is based on phonemic awareness, phonics, and word knowledge.

Reading is primarily a visual skill but is best taught when involving all the key avenues to the mind (hearing, saying, writing, and seeing).

By linking speaking, spelling, and writing  with reading (SWR), we connect four different pathways to the brain, thereby paving the way for virtually everyone to learn.

We integrate spelling into our reading program so children can form the words they are learning to read.

Phonemic word families are studied in depth for children to understand word formations. Reading fun books based on sight words and phonics, builds reading and comprehension abilities.


The Kinderkid language program encompasses whole language, phonics, handwriting and writers workshop.

Writers workshop is a student centered framework for teaching writing that is based on the ideas that students learn to write best when they write frequently, for extended periods of time on topics of their own choosing.

The science curriculum involves the child learning about the amazing world from physics to biology.

In Social Studies we learn about our place, our community and our world.The kids have a chance to visit places in the community as well as inviting guests to talk to us about their careers. The Kinderkids also learn the geography of where they live within the greater community and the world.

In Art Studio, the child explores the world of colors, lines and shapes. They learn about the art from the past to the contemporary.

There’s a daily and ongoing excitement of exploration and discovery.


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